Category Archives: Blog

Very busy last few weeks!

Has been a few weeks since I posted anything on the blog! (not very professional!) But needless to say it isn’t because I haven’t been busy. The CLA Game Fair was a fantastic success and Collier and Dobson sold on … Continue reading

CLA Game Fair Ragley Hall 19 – 21 July.

Sun is shining, summer is here, hope there will be lots of people visiting the CLA Game Fair this week at Ragley Hall. Collier and Dobson will be representing me on their Stand B203 with new paintings as I have … Continue reading

Last weekend of Rutland Open Studios!

This weekend is the final Open Studio weekend for us Rutlanders, last chance to get a cheeky look at what goes on in the Artists Studio! Has been a very busy week, and actually have very little left in the … Continue reading

Royal Box!!!

Just in case any one didn’t see the footage of the ‘Royal Windsor Horse Show’ on ITV this week, that featured some of my Paintings in the Royal Box no less! I am posting up a few screen grabs to … Continue reading

Busy day with Rutland Open Studios in South Luffenham!

Great turn out for second Saturday in the Rutland Open Studio Month at the studio today! Great feed back on the work, originals, prints etc… some sales and possible commissions. New painting of Hounds titled ‘Pack’ getting lots of complements, … Continue reading

Rutland Open Studio, and Something I’m working on!

For anyone that is cruising around Rutland for the month of June, I am holdingĀ  an ‘Open Studio’ as part of Rutland Open Studios’. Weekends from 11.00 – 4.00 or by appointment in the week. Have some beautiful framed prints … Continue reading


As promised, new image of Highland in progress, think I’m going to call him ‘Monty’! This is a 150cms x130 cms canvas and will be going off to the ‘Longines Global Champions Tour’ at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford … Continue reading

Bleached Boards and Dusty Grasses.

Back in the Studio after a weeks break, lovely chilled time in Mallorca! Finding it quite difficult to get going! Did this ‘Board Walk’ painting before I went away and it is off to Norfolk at the weekend along with … Continue reading

New ‘Wild Seas’ for ‘Flint’ gallery, Norfolk.

Have been madly painting this week to keep up with my lovely Gallery People!Painting a couple of new Sea scapes for ‘Flint’ in Blakeney that are off to be framed and two new ‘Animal’ pieces for ‘Collier and Dobson’ . … Continue reading

New this week!

Have been very busy this week painting new pieces for ‘Collier and Dobson’ down at the Royal Windsor Horse Show. This new Hound painting is nearing completion and I am just debating whether or not to varnish it to add … Continue reading