Category Archives: Blog

A few new pieces for the start of the Spring Shows.

Been a busy start to the year, producing new work for 2015 Show Season and a few newbies for Flint Gallery and Collier and Dobson. Trade show in January was fantastic for promoting New Prints and they are going great … Continue reading


Some of the new work being exhibited this week at ‘The International Horse Show Olympia’ by Collier and Dobson.

Last few paintings heading off to Olympia for next week!

After a mammoth painting spell I am taking a breather to sort the studio out, catch up with paperwork and gear myself up for a busy 2015! All the recent work I have produced will be exhibited in London next week … Continue reading

Passion for Norfolk.

Recent commission for Morston Mermaid! For more Coastal paintings go to Flint Gallery Blakeney, Collier and Dobson Debbie Boon Originals and the best place to stay in Norfolk – Church Cottage Morston.

Coming Soon! New Body of work for Olympia International Horse Show.

Has been an absolute age since last post, but have been incredibly busy working non stop on new work for Shows and Galleries. I will be represented by Collier and Dobson at The International Horse Show in London in December … Continue reading

Spring Exhibition!

Here is a little taster of a few paintings that will I will be showing at the ‘Yarrow’ Gallery in Oundle at the beginning of March, the exhibition is being curated by ‘Collier and Dobson’ and will also feature some … Continue reading


It’s been rather a long time since my last post!!! Ha ha! just realised that sounds like I’m about to confess my sins! I have been exremely busy painting a new body of work for Collier and Dobson to take … Continue reading


If you are heading to Burghley Horse Trials this weekend, make your way to the ‘Burghley Lifestyle Pavillion’ to see Debbie Boon Originals exhibiting with ‘Collier and Dobson’! New ‘Hare and Hounds’ paintings, Highlands and beautiful Limited Edition Prints. Have … Continue reading

Burghley Horse Trials

I will be exhibiting up at Burghley Horse Trials this week with ‘COLLIER AND DOBSON’ on the front section of the Burghley Life Style Pavillion from 5th – 8th September. There will be new Originals hot from the studio and beautiful … Continue reading

Summer Meadows!

Been working on a new painting this week with a definite Summer theme. Highlands grazing up to their bellies in summer grasses, pleased with the way it’s looking, having not actually painted a whole one of these beauties before! Usually … Continue reading